Large Format Day - UNSENSORED14

Marc Morel
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Large Format Day - UNSENSORED14

Postby Marc Morel » 03 Sep 2014, 14:50

Back by popular demand, Large Format Day at UNSENSORED14.

Join us from 1pm on Sunday 14 September for our third annual celebration of Large Format photography as part of the Melbourne Silver Mine Inc. exhibition UNSENSORED14.

Bring along your Large Format camera to Collingwood Gallery and join other like-minded LF enthusiasts, or drop in and marvel at these amazing cameras and meet the people who wield them.

The gallery is open from 10am - 6pm on weekends so feel free to drop in at any time, everyone is welcome.

...this is also a great opportunity to squiz at other folks' gear - I remember when I was pondering whether to order a shiny new Wista some years ago, it was a GREAT help when Shane generously brought his into the city for me to see. So if you're in Melbourne that weekend, with LF gear or not, come and say hello!

Marc (who may or may not have cut and pasted the same info from last year's post, and merely changed the dates)!! :-)

Posts: 61
Joined: 30 Sep 2012, 21:03
Location: Melbourne

Re: Large Format Day - UNSENSORED14

Postby Warmtone » 19 Sep 2014, 15:15

I attended the opening last Friday and met some of the exhibiting photographers over a glass of wine.

I really enjoyed the exhibition with some well presented images from various film formats. I particularly liked the two colour Hasselblad photos that were shot using Ektar - strong urban composition and surprisingly clean punchy colours ..... Proving the old Blad can still grab attention in the right hands.

I also enjoyed some 4x5 and 5x7 (colour) images to know where the 5x7 colour film came from?
There's no doubt cc's count and the large format prints had that unmistakable quality that draws you in.

If you live in Melbourne definitely worth calling in to the Collingwood Gallery in Smith St.

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