My LF Tale of Woe and Joy

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Barry Kirsten
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Re: My LF Tale of Woe and Joy

Postby Barry Kirsten » 10 Jul 2017, 16:48

That's great news, Walter. Yes, once you've become used to LF, nothing else seems to compare. I haven't got a lot in the way of lenses (sold a lot of gear to fund film, paper and chemicals, as you know ;) , but am happy to lend you one from what I have. Any preference for focal length? And I also have a Technika board floating around.

Mick Fagan
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Re: My LF Tale of Woe and Joy

Postby Mick Fagan » 10 Jul 2017, 20:01

I have a tiny Schneider Angulon f/6.8 90 mm mounted to a Linhof Technika 10mm recessed board.

Plus a Fujinon f/5.6 210mm mounted onto a home made timber Technika size board.

Currently these are not being used.

You can borrow these if you wish.


Walter Glover
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Re: My LF Tale of Woe and Joy

Postby Walter Glover » 14 Jul 2017, 09:56

Thank you so very much, chaps. Yet another gesture that indicates the great bond of common endeavour in our potent little group here.

I am off for a road trip on Sunday but will take and use the recently acquired Mamiya TLR for TWO reasons: 1. It will provide an opportunity to actually test the kit to ensure it works as expected before the cooling off period expires, and 2. I have it here all set to go withput placing somebody else's kit at unnecessary risk.

As Barry is aware, I am actually quite pleased with the results I obtain with Mamiyas and have a suspicion that with my deteriorating mobility and stability it may well be getting close to a time when schlepping big heavy kit might be getting a tad beyond me. A week or two before the gear was whipped I had gone down to St Peters to do a shot and I was petrified (somewhat) by how giddy I got reaching down to the ground to get bits and pieces out of the bag on the ground. It is all sufficiently of concern to my quack that he is applying for a Mobility Vehicle card for me. Maybe safety dictates that 120 might have to be the way of the future for me. In such an event I do hope that I'll still be permitted to post my pics here.

As an alternative to the Sinar (in the event of sticking with LF) I am having strong deliberations about a Linhof Kardan. I used Kardan BIs back in the 1970s when I worked for Arnott's Biscuits and at the ABC. In fact, the 8x10 Kardan Bi that I used at the ABC is available for sale in Sydney. But I am sure the heft of 8x10 is now beyond my physical abilities, my budget and my processing facilities.

Thanks fellas,
Walter Glover

"We see things not as they are. We see them as we are."
Emanuel Kant

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Barry Kirsten
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Re: My LF Tale of Woe and Joy

Postby Barry Kirsten » 18 Jul 2017, 07:19

Hi Walter,
Very sad to hear about your mobility problems, especially coming on top of having your kit nicked. Life's a bugger at times, and I marvel that some people seem to cop more than their fair share of bad luck than others. But then there are some in worse states, I suppose. Perhaps we only notice really bad luck when it touches those close to us.

The Kardan is certainly lighter than many LF cameras. I have one, a so-call JBL (Jubilee) model. It's currently my only 4x5 camera and is lovely for all its movements and Linhof precision. But there is more to it than just the camera, as you'd know, of course. I was only thinking the other day when sorting out my office after the move, that the kit that goes with the Kardan, lenses, holders etc, and the bag, all mount up to a lot of weight. I'd just come back from a walk near our new abode, to a railway bridge spanning the Werribee River, and was reflecting on how my mobility was deteriorating -- and I was only carrying 35mm!!! But I found it very difficult and dangerous going on slopes, and wondered how on earth I'd manage the 4x5 under those conditions. I'm toying with the idea of modifying a golf buggy for carrying 4x5, and only sticking to beaten tracks in future.

Sadly age catches up with all of us eventually, and it may not be long before I have to consider 6x6. Then 35mm... then point & shoot digital. The scenario could be depressing if we allowed it to get on top of us, but it won't because for those of us who love creating photographic images, it's the image that's all important, and the gear and processes are just the means to that end (as much as we delight in them). I know that's what has always driven you, Walter, and I can't see your spirit being crushed by minor irritations like these.

Looking forward to seeing your recent Mamiya images.

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