Pool, Granite Bay.

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Pool, Granite Bay.

Postby Maris » 19 Sep 2018, 14:04

Pool, Granite Bay
Gelatin-silver photograph on Ilford Multigrade IV FB, image size 21.5cm X 16.2cm, from a 4x5 Tri-X negative
exposed in a Tachihara 45GF field view camera with a Schneider Super Angulon 90mm f8 lens.

Mick Fagan
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Re: Pool, Granite Bay.

Postby Mick Fagan » 19 Sep 2018, 18:47

Almost looks like a torso, but I'm sure it isn't. :mrgreen:

Have you thought of cropping the top to remove the rock that looks like a camera bag, seems to tidy it up somewhat?

Regardless, another great portrayal of a rocky landscape; you seem to do these effortlessly.


Walter Glover
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Re: Pool, Granite Bay.

Postby Walter Glover » 20 Sep 2018, 05:29

Would a crop make this a portrait of a feature ..... a 'product shot' of a rock pool?

It might be just me, but I revere a bit of context and the context of the rock shelf rolling off into the world is a fine thing.

After decades of 'commercial portraiture' that resulted in 587 yards of visual haberdashery, I tend to revere a more contextual, environmental setting for 'things'.
Walter Glover

"We see things not as they are. We see them as we are."
Emanuel Kant

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Re: Pool, Granite Bay.

Postby Maris » 21 Sep 2018, 08:20

Camera bag rock? I have an excuse. It's a dark rock, imaged in the dark lower right corner of a dark ground-glass behind a dark f8 wide angle lens. I didn't see it. But there's more. Because I used back tilt to set the Scheimpflug plane and also to "stretch" the image of the rock pool I knew the lens would cover the format with no corner cut-off. With front tilt on the camera there is a danger of running out of lens coverage and losing corners; which have to be checked. Navigating the ocean of fallibility with a view camera is fun.

Mick Fagan
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Re: Pool, Granite Bay.

Postby Mick Fagan » 21 Sep 2018, 11:03

Sorry about that Maris, I fully agree with you that an f/8 90mm lens with a dark subject in a dark place is interesting to focus, more so with rear tilt movements then refocusing.

I once had someone explaing to me how to focus a 4x5" monorail to get everything in focus with a product shoot, which was very informative for me. Trouble happened some days later when I found rear tilt worked a treat, I didn't notice the group of square cruets placed in specific places, as per the shooting plan, were starting to "Stretch", as it were. :mrgreen:

Using E6 and waiting 30 minutes after an exposure to find my wonderful exercise was in vain, not to mention pressure was now on to get the shot out of the way for the next set-up and for Heaven's sake, didn't I remember anything.

Pressure and mistakes are a wonderful teacher. I learnt so much in such a short time I wonder sometimes how I remembered it all. When I need to remember it these days, I realise I have pretty much forgotton so much of it; or at least I have to work to remember.


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