Exhibition: Relicts - Exploring the Flora of Gondwana

Posts: 61
Joined: 30 May 2013, 14:06

Exhibition: Relicts - Exploring the Flora of Gondwana

Postby mark.darragh » 06 Feb 2020, 10:21

In mid-March I have an exhibition opening at the Wilderness Gallery near Cradle Mountain in Tasmania. It will run for four months until mid-July.

The exhibition focuses on the endemic flora of Tasmania and explores the ecological relationships Tasmania shares with the Australian mainland, New Zealand and South America. The prints are all from large format film, mainly colour 24 x 30", with a few silver gelatin too.

https://www.wildernessgallery.com.au/re ... f-gondwana

Cradle Mountain Wilderness Gallery
3718 Cradle Mountain Rd,
Cradle Mountain TAS 7306

Posts: 61
Joined: 30 Sep 2012, 21:03
Location: Melbourne

Re: Exhibition: Relicts - Exploring the Flora of Gondwana

Postby Warmtone » 21 Aug 2020, 20:42

Hi Mark, it looks like you have captured some superb images from the brief introduction on the web site.
It’s a bugger CV19 will preclude anyone from Victoria getting over to Tasmania for quite a while.

Highly important exhibition at a time when the fight is on to save the Tarkine and wilderness areas from logging.
I hope it goes well despite the restrictions!

Posts: 61
Joined: 30 May 2013, 14:06

Re: Exhibition: Relicts - Exploring the Flora of Gondwana

Postby mark.darragh » 22 Aug 2020, 13:24

Thanks, Warmtone.

Yes, timing is everything. It was amazing how quickly the situation with Covid changed in Tasmania. The exhibition was only officially open for two days when the WG mad the decision to close. They have been able to reopen and it will be up until the 16th of November so at least the good people of Tasmania can get to see it. With the extension to the travel restrictions I won't be able to get over to bump out the exhibition either.

I've put together a "virtual exhibition on Flickr. Not quite the same as looking at a 16x20" or 24x30" print though. And you won't be able to walk down the corridor and look at a Gallery full of Peter Dombrovskis' work or the Tarkine in Motion retrospective either ;)

https://www.flickr.com/photos/markdarra ... 5051022181

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