Hauled Out Boat, Lake Cootharaba

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Hauled Out Boat, Lake Cootharaba

Postby Maris » 01 Nov 2020, 15:35

Hauled Out Boat, Lake Cootharaba
Gelatin-silver photograph on Ultrafine Silver Eagle VC FB photographic paper, image size 21.5cm X 16,3cm, from a 4x5 Fomapan 200 negative exposed in a Tachihara 45GF field view camera fitted with a Schneider Super Angulon 90mm f8 lens.

Walter Glover
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Re: Hauled Out Boat, Lake Cootharaba

Postby Walter Glover » 03 Nov 2020, 14:39

What a gem! The counterpoint of the ever so slight arc of the water current ripples with the almost imperceptible arc of the ribbing of the base of the hull and the sweep lines to the prow which make this much more than just an upturned dinghy on a sandy, debris strewn shore.
Given that you're an artist with access to a range of options, do you have your druthers about usin 4x5 rather than 8x10?
Walter Glover

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Re: Hauled Out Boat, Lake Cootharaba

Postby Maris » 04 Nov 2020, 11:38

Good question Walter. 4x5 or 8x10? Sometimes it's pragmatism over aesthetics. It was a grey day, grey sand, grey boat, grey water, grey sky, and fixin' to rain. If it pours I can run to the car with a 4x5 outfit but the 8x10 always enforces a slow plod. Wouldn't want to get a wet Art.

Mick Fagan
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Re: Hauled Out Boat, Lake Cootharaba

Postby Mick Fagan » 04 Nov 2020, 13:45

I really like this, so many interpretations are possible, more so when printing.

Grey day, grey subject, grey........................... very nice to see the lift you have given to the boat when printing.

Have you thought of making it an enclosed landscape? As in, removing the sky and having the only highlights being the two on the hull of the boat? That could be a very interesting version.


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Re: Hauled Out Boat, Lake Cootharaba

Postby Maris » 06 Nov 2020, 14:15

[quote="Mick Fagan"]....Have you thought of making it an enclosed landscape? As in, removing the sky and having the only highlights being the two on the hull of the boat? That could be a very interesting version......Mick.[/quote

Thanks Mick. Alas, I was distracted by trivia: nicking in that tree in the upper right corner, not losing the rock in the water near the left edge, waiting for that boat (dot near the horizon) to move .. it didn't. And the 90mm wide angle lens beguiled my eye into seeing a vista instead of that subtle detail right in front of me.

Mick Fagan
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Re: Hauled Out Boat, Lake Cootharaba

Postby Mick Fagan » 07 Nov 2020, 09:11

Ha, that is interesting.

I saw the tree and figured you had worked to include it, but until you mentioned the rock, I was oblivious to it. Although I presume I knew it was there, I just didn't notice it.


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