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by mark.darragh
17 Jun 2023, 09:07
Forum: Events
Topic: Exhibition: Relicts (Melbourne, 20 June - 9 July 2023)
Replies: 2
Views: 21631

Re: Exhibition: Relicts (Melbourne, 20 June - 9 July 2023)

Congratulations Mark, superb work. Hope it goes well. Thank you, Barry. I hope you get a chance to get down to see it. I've included a link to the article on View Camera Australia which gives a little more background on the work.
by mark.darragh
11 Jun 2023, 21:38
Forum: Events
Topic: Exhibition: Relicts (Melbourne, 20 June - 9 July 2023)
Replies: 2
Views: 21631

Exhibition: Relicts (Melbourne, 20 June - 9 July 2023)

This exhibition follows on from my 2020 Wilderness Gallery exhibition in Tasmania. It incorporates some of that previous work, as well as new photographs, in the broader context of Australia’s temperate and alpine ecosystems. In particular it focus on relict species and plant communities found in th...
by mark.darragh
29 May 2023, 14:39
Forum: Events
Topic: Exhibition: Sheet Film
Replies: 0
Views: 23882

Exhibition: Sheet Film

An Overview of work made in Victoria Showing at XYZ Gallery, Melbourne, Australia 26 May - 2 July 2023 A survey of photographers working in Victoria making work on sheet film. This is an exhibition to inspire, to show the public that photography can a considered, preci...
by mark.darragh
15 Feb 2022, 08:11
Forum: Things
Topic: Doorways
Replies: 2
Views: 5329


Taking advantage of the reflective quality of limestone and the architecture of McGlashan Everist Toho FC-45X, Rodenstock Sironar N 150mm, Kodak TMX 100 4x5 developed in ...
by mark.darragh
19 Nov 2021, 10:24
Forum: Things
Topic: Nothofagus and Richea
Replies: 4
Views: 4761

Re: Nothofagus and Richea

Thanks, RoganJosh. The Provia is my choice too. Natural and realistic colour reproduction of film is a black hole of chaos shooting in the wilds rather than the controlled environment of a studio. In this case, the Ektar doesn't really convey the depth of the forest. The colour balance is good but f...
by mark.darragh
13 Nov 2021, 09:18
Forum: Things
Topic: Nothofagus and Richea
Replies: 4
Views: 4761

Nothofagus and Richea

Deciduous Beech (Nothofagus gunnii) and Richea pandanifolia Arca-Swiss Universalis/F-Line hybrid 4x5, Fujinon NW 125mm Kodak Ektar 100 Velvia 50 Provia https://live.stati...
by mark.darragh
13 Nov 2021, 08:49
Forum: Things
Topic: Pandani leaves and Lichen
Replies: 8
Views: 5398

Re: Pandani leaves and Lichen

Thank you all for your observations. Walter, I often get that same feeling working amongst the Richeas, there is a real primordial quality about them. The dead leaves of the pandani come in such a variety of forms, when the edges fray some look distinctly like the feathers of an ancient bird. Mick, ...
by mark.darragh
09 Nov 2021, 16:32
Forum: Things
Topic: Pandani leaves and Lichen
Replies: 8
Views: 5398

Pandani leaves and Lichen

Prompted by the recent discussion on the demise of Velvia 50 sheet film, two images from early this year. Provia Velvia RVP 50 Both taking using an Arca-Swiss 4x5 and Fuj...
by mark.darragh
09 Nov 2021, 16:26
Forum: Community Chat
Topic: More Fujifilm ending
Replies: 6
Views: 15697

Re: More Fujifilm ending

Thanks for sharing your insights, Mick. Your observations are particularly helpful to understanding the future of film coating and manufacturing given how little information the "big two" are prepared to release.
by mark.darragh
15 Oct 2021, 15:50
Forum: Things
Topic: Is The Schneider Super Angulon XL 47mm 1:5.6 Any Good?
Replies: 5
Views: 4336

Re: Is The Schneider Super Angulon XL 47mm 1:5.6 Any Good?

Walter, always great to see your colour work. Like you I’ve used both the 58 and the 47 SA XLs. Imho definitely both lenses where a centre filter is a must. The centre filters have never been particularly cheap but seem to have really hiked in recent years. The IIIc is the filter designed for the 47...

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