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by Bazza
01 Apr 2024, 13:40
Forum: The Negative
Topic: Barry Thornton`s Improved ' Two Bath ' film developer.
Replies: 0
Views: 9999

Barry Thornton`s Improved ' Two Bath ' film developer.

After using the old 'Kodak D 23 ' developer I have now moved on to a ' Two Bath ' film developer . Advantages :- Only three chemicals to mix up . One can process films of different ISO ratings together for the same time . Has good keeping qualities - at least 6 months , and at least 15 films ( 80 Sq...
by Bazza
11 Mar 2023, 12:16
Forum: The Negative
Topic: Home made - D 23 film developer.
Replies: 1
Views: 19791

Home made - D 23 film developer.

It has been a while since I logged in.
After many years I have gone back to using D 23 as my film developer.
Using it as a ' Replenished ' developer : Look up John Finch from - Pictorial Planet - Very happy with my results .
With 4 x 5 -Foma Pan 100 , great negs .
Regards ,
Bazza Parkdale 3195
by Bazza
22 Jun 2017, 10:41
Forum: For Sale/Wanted
Topic: 4 X 5 Enlarger 4 Sale Melbourne + other items
Replies: 1
Views: 3456

4 X 5 Enlarger 4 Sale Melbourne + other items

FOR SALE :- Super Chromega D. dichroic ii 4 X 5 enlarger and Controller, one Glass Negative carrier, Two enlarging lenes :- Minolta CE Rokkor f5.6 -80mm lens in plastic case. Minolta CE lens f2.8 - 50mm in plastic case, box and instructions. Enlarger is currently wall mounted, and on 1/2" tube ...

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