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by Barry Kirsten
11 Mar 2023, 13:19
Forum: The Negative
Topic: Home made - D 23 film developer.
Replies: 1
Views: 19553

Re: Home made - D 23 film developer.

G'day Bazza, I also like D23. John Finch also has a video on Barry Thornton's 2-bath developer which I'll try one day. It's based on divided D23 with reduced sulfite, which is claimed to be the 'sweet spot' in terms of optimum sharpness. I think it might be more useful for rollfilm/35mm negs where m...
by Barry Kirsten
22 Feb 2023, 14:48
Forum: Things
Topic: Tom's Boat.
Replies: 4
Views: 14399

Re: Tom's Boat.

I wouldn't worry about that Maris, it's the brilliant tonality that makes this image (and the composition, of course).
by Barry Kirsten
29 Jan 2023, 14:40
Forum: Places
Topic: An overnighter in KNP
Replies: 3
Views: 10226

Re: An overnighter in KNP

Great work John. It brings back many, many memories from when I used to visit Kosciusko. Sadly I'm too old now but the spirit is still willing. However I can visit KNP through works like yours and Maris' and by periodically reviewing my own images. Thanks for posting, and please keep going back ther...
by Barry Kirsten
05 Jan 2023, 13:04
Forum: For Sale/Wanted
Topic: Wanted: Print Washer
Replies: 4
Views: 15934

Re: Wanted: Print Washer

I've toyed with the idea of getting a print washer in the past, but never succumbed due to tales of woe like Maris describes. But for me the main consideration is the number of prints I might make in a session. I rarely print in large quantities and am happy to wash prints in large trays with long s...
by Barry Kirsten
02 Dec 2022, 13:06
Forum: People
Topic: Portrait, Voigtlander Heliar Lens Test.
Replies: 4
Views: 9992

Re: Portrait, Voigtlander Heliar Lens Test.

Job well done, Maris. A very appealing image of a lovely lady. Personally I've never been keen on soft focus lenses, but that's obviously a character defect on my part since many photographers like them, especially the Heliars, and that makes my view a minority one. I'd probably find soft lenses mor...
by Barry Kirsten
22 Nov 2022, 12:48
Forum: Places
Topic: Ferntree Falls Mt Cole State Forest
Replies: 4
Views: 7938

Re: Ferntree Falls Mt Cole State Forest

Quite right, Mick. I knew I was out on a limb with that observation, but I was curious about what was to the right and figured that landscape orientation would allow that to be seen, and the closer view of the 90 would concentrate almost entirely on the water itself. All very hypothetical of course,...
by Barry Kirsten
21 Nov 2022, 13:35
Forum: Places
Topic: Ferntree Falls Mt Cole State Forest
Replies: 4
Views: 7938

Re: Ferntree Falls Mt Cole State Forest

Nice shot Mick. I like it as it is but I see what you're thinking. Pure conjecture, but I wonder how a landscape view with a 90mm lens would have worked. I've never been to those falls but should add it to my list of places to visit.
by Barry Kirsten
22 Sep 2022, 15:20
Forum: Community Chat
Topic: Cataract Operation. Yippie!
Replies: 3
Views: 21885

Re: Cataract Operation. Yippie!

That's great news Maris. As a nurse I was involved in quite a few eye ops including cataract surgery. Of the many, many operations I've seen and been involved in, cataract surgery is up there with the best - including open heart and brain, IMO! It's such a simple procedure but a very elegant one. I ...
by Barry Kirsten
04 Sep 2022, 16:04
Forum: People
Topic: Nude, Paper Negative, Selective Sepia
Replies: 3
Views: 8554

Re: Nude, Paper Negative, Selective Sepia

Good tips. Thanks Maris.
by Barry Kirsten
01 Sep 2022, 13:47
Forum: People
Topic: Nude, Paper Negative, Selective Sepia
Replies: 3
Views: 8554

Re: Nude, Paper Negative, Selective Sepia

Amazing control, Maris. Whenever I try anything like that I invariably get unacceptable overflows that ruin the print.

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