Nostalgic Self Portrait

Walter Glover
Posts: 1270
Joined: 31 Jul 2012, 22:31
Location: Leichhardt, NSW

Nostalgic Self Portrait

Postby Walter Glover » 08 Dec 2020, 13:18

Goodness me, here's a test to see if I remember how to post an image here — with the text & formatting from my FB page (sorry):
F I R S T • W G • P H O T O • E V E R
WAVERLEY, N.S.W. — (~1956) 2000
Two days of contending with Adobe and Epson and killing time sorting through thousands of negatives I came across this one and could think of none better to kick off the new scans than a spot of self-plagiarism. For Christmas, when I was 7 years old, I wanted (and received) a camera for Christmas and have thought of bugger all else ever since. I conspired with my school mate, Russell, about what would be the first picture to take, after all film was not cheap @ 4s 9d a roll so it mustn't be wasted. Up at Waverley Park the water pumping station on top of the hill was the closest we Bondi boys had ever seen to a castle or fort, so off we went. I consider it a real bonus that I've always remembered that day. In 2000 another mate, Phillip Hayson, and I returned to the scene of the crime to remake that first photograph. The original was long gone, but seeing the re-enactment it dawned on me that inherent traits of what became my visual philosophy or language were alive and well on that first encounter with my life-long addiction.
ImageWaverley Water Pump Portrait
Walter Glover

"We see things not as they are. We see them as we are."
Emanuel Kant

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Re: Nostalgic Self Portrait

Postby Maris » 12 Dec 2020, 09:31

Aha, not all selfies have to be taken at arm's length. This one certainly has a grandeur about it; subject and background both.

Walter Glover
Posts: 1270
Joined: 31 Jul 2012, 22:31
Location: Leichhardt, NSW

Re: Nostalgic Self Portrait

Postby Walter Glover » 12 Dec 2020, 09:43

Thank you. Maris. Not too many 'selfies' shot on 4x5 sheet film either.
Walter Glover

"We see things not as they are. We see them as we are."
Emanuel Kant

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