Self Portrait, Afternoon Couch, Surry Hills

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Self Portrait, Afternoon Couch, Surry Hills

Postby Maris » 30 Aug 2021, 11:25

Self Portrait, Afternoon Couch, Surry Hills
Gelatin-silver photograph on Ultrafine Silver Eagle VC FB photographic paper, image size 16.3cm X 21.5cm,
from a 4x5 Kodak Tmax 400 negative exposed in a Tachihara 45GF field view camera fitted with a Schneider Super Angulon 90mm f8 lens.

A few platinotypes to look at, plenty of books to read, but mainly idleness prevails.

Walter Glover
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Re: Self Portrait, Afternoon Couch, Surry Hills

Postby Walter Glover » 30 Aug 2021, 23:48

Aaaah, hovering gently around a less orchestrated, more credible Arnold Newman 'environmental portrait'. (Did he ever delve into the selfie? — Task for tomorrow is to get one of the carers to reach down "One Mind's Eye" so I can check.)

Strange departures from the Maris-norm here with T-Max. The second version of TMY spoke to me but these days the costing might be prohibitive. Was this at the Undy's or elsewhere. Only time I met you was at their Reservoir Street edition of Point Light. Maybe this was about that time?

By my understanding, at this distance from you, this 'idleness' is possibly a characteristic Marisesque idleness of continuing engagement and enquiry.
Walter Glover

"We see things not as they are. We see them as we are."
Emanuel Kant

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Re: Self Portrait, Afternoon Couch, Surry Hills

Postby Maris » 31 Aug 2021, 09:40

Yes, Walter it was at chez Undy in the Excelsior on Elizabeth street.
TMY in the 4x5 format used to come in 100 sheet boxes for less than $1 per sheet if one dodged the 22% sales tax on it. It was a genuine 400 speed film and I bought up big on it, froze it, and used it well past the official expiry date. Now it's gone over-the-top stupid at $6.50 a sheet in ridiculous 10 sheet boxes. My film 'fridge has Fomapan in it now.

Walter Glover
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Re: Self Portrait, Afternoon Couch, Surry Hills

Postby Walter Glover » 31 Aug 2021, 13:26

No matter how many millions Australian governments gave 'Old Yella' to prop them up there was never any stopping them shooting themselves in the foot, Maris.
Walter Glover

"We see things not as they are. We see them as we are."
Emanuel Kant

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