Nude in a Gale

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Nude in a Gale

Postby Maris » 16 Jun 2022, 13:53

Nude in a Gale
Gelatin-silver photograph on Ilford VC FB photographic paper, image size 19.4cm X 24.4cm, from a 4x5 Kodak Tmax 100 negative exposed in a Tachihara 45GF double extension field view camera fitted with a Voigtlander Heliar 21cm f4.5 lens.
A cyclone was 500km north along the Queensland coast; no rain but plenty of breeze even in a dense forest.

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Barry Kirsten
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Re: Nude in a Gale

Postby Barry Kirsten » 16 Jun 2022, 15:21

Wonderful energy in this shot Maris, even without the lady 'hanging on for grim death'! I like it a lot. You must have had the tripod weighted down well.

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Re: Nude in a Gale

Postby Maris » 18 Jun 2022, 12:32

Thanks Barry Kirsten. I wasn't keen on photographing that day but the model turned up on time, wanted the work, and, er, wanted the money. The open beach shoot was impossible so into the forest it was to find a bit of shelter. One heavy hand on the tripod and standing close to the camera as a human wind break steadied things ok.

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