Jan In Her Garden.

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Jan In Her Garden.

Postby Maris » 01 Nov 2022, 14:18

Jan In Her Garden
Gelatin-silver photograph on Agfa Classic VC FB photographic paper, image size 24.7cm X 19.3cm, from a 8x10 Kodak Tri-X negative exposed in a Tachihara 810HD field view camera fitted with a Fujinon-W 300mm f5.6 lens.

The photographer imagines he knows how to use a camera but Jan, who is a media personality, also knows how to use a camera; just from the other side of the lens.

Mick Fagan
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Re: Jan In Her Garden.

Postby Mick Fagan » 01 Nov 2022, 15:31

I like this, very relaxed sitter, who not only knows how to use the camera from her side of the lens, as you mention, it appears she may also be able to operate a Ducati V twin.....

Great in-focus area of the sitter, the 300 certainly makes for a shallow depth of field this close, so I'm assuming you have stopped it down considerably.

Love the ear ring.


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Re: Jan In Her Garden.

Postby Maris » 03 Nov 2022, 12:26

Thanks Mick. You read it right. I recall an exposure about 1/2 second at f32. The slow shutter speed was not a problem because my portrait subject is "trapped" in a chair and is unlikely to sway out of focus. There is a bit of front tilt on the camera to put the plane of focus along a nice flash of leg, a hand with freckles, and an expressive grin. Camera savvy people are easy to work with.

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