Lake Weyba, Past ImperfectGelatin-silver photograph on Ultrafine Silver Eagle VC FB photographic paper, image size 16.4cm X 21.3cm, from a 4x5 Tri-X Pan Professional negative exposed in a Tachihara 45GF double extension field view camera fitted with a home assembled 150mm f4 Wollaston Meniscus soft-focus lens and a #25 red filter.
The piece of film used here had spent 15years lying in the film holder before exposure so I knew it was bad. What better than to shoot it with a "bad" lens? Maybe the result would be twee or at least strange.
The blurry figures in the background are kite surfers walking into the lake. They had no fear of the giant stingrays and bull sharks lurking out there. Or so they said.