Nuccaleena Mine

Posts: 153
Joined: 21 Mar 2015, 17:20

Nuccaleena Mine

Postby Bazz8 » 07 Feb 2022, 16:58

The track in to the mine is a little over 30 km from Blinman, slow going to rough
ridges to drive over, I understand the timber to run the boilers was collected from 150km away.
I love the stonework, whenever I drag out the Kodak 2D an audience appears on goes my teaching hat,
holding young kids to see through the ground glass the Ooghs and Awes. is funny but when they ask 'How big is the sensor!!!
I have some fun describing a sq area of 15x14 is the sensor size of my 1Dmk4 18mb / 50,000mm= 166x18=1,333mb :roll: .
Or the chap who could not understand how I got the picture out of the double darks. :shock:


Walter Glover
Posts: 1270
Joined: 31 Jul 2012, 22:31
Location: Leichhardt, NSW

Re: Nuccaleena Mine

Postby Walter Glover » 07 Feb 2022, 20:42


Both the structure and your application of craft in this this flurry of fine work strikes deep in the soul. A bit of the prevalence of the visceral over the logical.
Walter Glover

"We see things not as they are. We see them as we are."
Emanuel Kant

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