Yarrie Lake Billabong

Mick Fagan
Posts: 438
Joined: 24 Sep 2015, 21:20
Location: Melbourne

Yarrie Lake Billabong

Postby Mick Fagan » 03 Oct 2023, 19:31

Shen Hao HZX45-IIA
Fujinon f/6.3 250mm
FP4+ 1/15 at f22

A short walk from our camp to the billabong where I blew a few sheets.


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Re: Yarrie Lake Billabong

Postby Maris » 10 Oct 2023, 09:18

You have got to love a good swamp especially if the water level is down enough to show some serious mud.
Mick, those bleached bones, alias dead white trees, are very evocative and their ghostly reflections
in the fine ripple water enhance the scene nicely.

That 250mm f6.3 lens has come out to play again. A very productive lens in your hands.

Mick Fagan
Posts: 438
Joined: 24 Sep 2015, 21:20
Location: Melbourne

Re: Yarrie Lake Billabong

Postby Mick Fagan » 10 Oct 2023, 18:48

Thanks Maris, yes the 250mm is no my go to lens for a lot of stuff these days, especially isolating things if they are reasonably close.

I tried to walk closer to help with the isolating possibilities of this lens, but I started to sink... :o

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