Hi-Ho Silver "Aluminator"

Walter Glover
Posts: 1270
Joined: 31 Jul 2012, 22:31
Location: Leichhardt, NSW

Hi-Ho Silver "Aluminator"

Postby Walter Glover » 04 Oct 2021, 17:21

Unpainted, highly polished motorcycle crafted from beaten billet aluminium block in an Australiana setting to suggest its origins in Coffs Harbour. The 'Aluminator' went on to be sold to a Hollywood production company to star as a prop in a movie.

In producing editorial features it was hugely beneficial to use RFH, not only for budgetary considerations, but also to set in stone matters of page layout and design. To say nothing of having at hand all the optical refinement of the image afforded by the adjustable camera.

Walter Glover

"We see things not as they are. We see them as we are."
Emanuel Kant

Mick Fagan
Posts: 423
Joined: 24 Sep 2015, 21:20
Location: Melbourne

Re: Hi-Ho Silver "Aluminator"

Postby Mick Fagan » 05 Oct 2021, 18:39

Walter, that looks pretty good, I daresay that if one enlarged the tank area, one would see a portrait? :D

Good placement for a reversed headline copy among the tree, although I would think a thin black halo around the text would be a requirement for legibility.

Aluminator, never heard of it, great name.

What is RFH?


Walter Glover
Posts: 1270
Joined: 31 Jul 2012, 22:31
Location: Leichhardt, NSW

Re: Hi-Ho Silver "Aluminator"

Postby Walter Glover » 05 Oct 2021, 19:34

Thanks Mick,

Roll Film Holder

There's a very good reason why I generally alluded to the Art Dept. as the "Three Blind Mice" They all too seldom acted with the sensitivity that you mention. Splash colour star bursts. They had a morbid fear of space to allow a picture to breathe.

A closer look with no reflected Sinar, Tog, Owner, or Editor reflected. Easily done in part by putting the esky full of Bourbon & Coke well out of the shooting arena. And imperceptably turning the fors ever so slightly to divert the 'mirror' of the front brakes disc.

Walter Glover

"We see things not as they are. We see them as we are."
Emanuel Kant

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