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Fiddler's Terraced Staircase

Posted: 02 Sep 2021, 00:34
by Walter Glover
South Bondi, N.S.W.

There would be one long staircase just going up
And one even longer coming down
And one more leading nowhere, just for show.


Sinar F2 ii 4x5, Schneider Apo Symmar 150mm 1:5.6
Kodak T-Max 100, T-max RS,Jobo ATL 2 Plus

Re: Fiddler's Terraced Staircase

Posted: 04 Sep 2021, 13:41
by Maris
There's a lot of weight in those stones and the tiled roof in the background fends off the intrusion of a bright sky. Could this be convict era work? I see no evidence of a handrail or any other concession to safety. And if this was modern work there ought to be a wheelchair ramp as well. I'd insist on it.

Re: Fiddler's Terraced Staircase

Posted: 05 Sep 2021, 22:58
by Walter Glover
Thanks Maris.
I'd strongly suggest that the steps were hewn long after the Brits had been forced to pay their own passage rather than sponging on the old Transportation drawcard.
Of course there are convict cut steps around 'older' parts os Sydney and they are often almost insurmountable. In those days OH&S should have been EH&S (Everybody's Health & Safety).
You can be sure that if I manage to get back over there with the camera in my wheelchair I'll see to it that the carer packs a megaphone.