Under new management

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Under new management

Postby Oscar » 05 Sep 2024, 10:39

I'm pleased to be able to say that the forum will continue.

Alastair started the forum in about 2013, he handed it over to me in 2018, and as of Monday I've handed it over to Steve (an existing user here). I'm sure he'll be introducing himself shortly.

I'll still be hanging around as a user. I haven't done much LF photography recently, but I plan to wheel out my Chamonix 4x5 F2 kit again soon, hoping to capture more of SA's mid-north.

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Barry Kirsten
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Re: Under new management

Postby Barry Kirsten » 05 Sep 2024, 15:21

Thanks for steering the ship these last six years, Oscar, and good luck with your future LF photography.

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Re: Under new management

Postby steve » 05 Sep 2024, 22:35

As Oscar mentioned, he's passed the reins to me. Many thanks to Oscar for looking after the forum for the past six years, and for all the help in getting me up and running.

The transition should have been transparent, but please let me know if you have any issues. Similarly, while I'm not planning on any major changes, I'd be happy to hear if anyone has any suggestions for improvements.

As to me, I have to admit to mostly being a lurker since joining - work/kids having conspired to prevent me from getting under my darkcloth. Thankfully, I can see that changing in the not-to-distant future. In the meantime, I'll continue to live vicariously through the forum :)

Mick Fagan
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Re: Under new management

Postby Mick Fagan » 06 Sep 2024, 13:25

Oscar, once again, many thanks for running things for the past 6 years, really, really appreciated.

Steve, this is wonderful that you have taken over the forum; here's hoping for a great ride.

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