Possibly FS: Paterson Orbital

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Alastair Moore
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Possibly FS: Paterson Orbital

Postby Alastair Moore » 26 Jun 2013, 12:56

On the evening of a boozy night, I bid on and won a Paterson Orbital with motor base in pretty much perfect condition (including box and instructions) although it's missing a couple of the red pegs - which can be replaced by golf tees anyway.

I'm trying to decide if I have the use for it or not. My bathroom is ideal for developing negatives in trays and I've got my process pretty much down (still working on my N-1/+1 times though) so bringing a new device into the mix is probably not wise.

If anyone is interested in this, I'm probably willing to part with it. I paid about $280 for it in total and would be looking for the same (or thereabouts). Give me a shout if so, otherwise if anyone has any ideas what I can use it for - I doubt I'd use it for developing negatives, I'm happy with trays - then I'm willing to take suggestions!

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