Focus cloths

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Re: Focus cloths

Postby Photomark » 21 Feb 2015, 17:58

I just got my wife to make me something that fits over the camera and over my head , it looks a bit silly from a third person perspective as it looks like my head is in a sausage but there is no cloth flapping around in the wind either.

It really does not matter what you use as long as it blocks out the light so you can see the screen to focus

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Re: Focus cloths

Postby Alastair Moore » 21 Feb 2015, 17:59

Brilliant. I'm going to get some and then I can get printing.

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Re: Focus cloths

Postby andrewch59 » 20 Mar 2015, 16:10

I have always found a jumper the best way to go, and its always on hand. Just put your head the wrong way into the head hole and put the body of the jumper over your camera.

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Barry Kirsten
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Re: Focus cloths

Postby Barry Kirsten » 21 Mar 2015, 06:53

I definitely think a dark cloth is important, particularly in bright sunlight, where the black layer helps seeing the ground glass. A white sheet or shirt, or even a black tee shirt as some use doesn't give the same blocking out of light. The white layer to the outside helps reflect light and heat away from the camera. I mad my own out of black cotton and white sheet, about a metre square, at a fraction the cost of a commercial one; it's done me for years.

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Re: Focus cloths

Postby Oscar » 21 Mar 2015, 13:30

For what it's worth, I ended up buying a BTZS focus cloth. There's no argument that it's expensive but when you're struggling to see enough detail on the ground glass you really appreciate the complete blockout of ambient light as well as the convenience.

Some of my LF gear is done very much on the cheap, but I decided to splash out on a nice focus cloth :) Although I'm intrigued by andrewch59's idea of using a jumper; that's quite clever!

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Re: Focus cloths

Postby Walter Glover » 21 Mar 2015, 19:30


I pass on to you some erstwhile discoveries from my experience with BTZS viewing hoods in ioth 4x5 and 8x10 sizes. be sure to turn them inside out and air them. Also wipe them down periodically with a nioce soft cloth — due to the design they can get steamy and sweaty, particularly in hot, humid conditions.

It can be embarrassing when they get whiffy and it dawns on you that it is your own BO you are experiencing.
Walter Glover

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Re: Focus cloths

Postby andrewch59 » 22 Mar 2015, 16:47

There's a lot of do not's on that list, whats it made out of? Crepe paper?

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