Developing A Contact Print from a 8x10 X-ray film neg

Making your print in the darkroom
Posts: 153
Joined: 21 Mar 2015, 17:20

Developing A Contact Print from a 8x10 X-ray film neg

Postby Bazz8 » 06 May 2018, 08:04

Hope you enjoy my list of bloopersEG:The next You tube sensation LOL
I stuck the GOPro on my head and recorded the
Neg on the lightbox
How often I move my head when I speak!
Setting up the timer
Test steps diagonally across the paper
Developing the test neg
Choosing the required time
Developing the print
Total Time 23 minutes So if you are looking for something to do

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Joined: 08 Sep 2013, 12:56
Location: Stanthorpe, QLD

Re: Developing A Contact Print from a 8x10 X-ray film neg

Postby andrewch59 » 06 May 2018, 08:43

Hi Barry, briefly watched your video, congrats! Perhaps we will see you at Cannes some day. I have bought a sj6 sports cam to do the same thing for making kALLITYPES. I had intended to use a small tripod, as it provides a slightly more stable image than the head mount.
I think perhaps your tray size for 8x10 may be a tad small, this may be the reason you are getting eneven development.

Posts: 153
Joined: 21 Mar 2015, 17:20

Re: Developing A Contact Print from a 8x10 X-ray film neg

Postby Bazz8 » 06 May 2018, 15:19

Thanks Andrew
The neg was done in those trays, I now constant agitation for 15sec then twice each minute after that
Worked so far if not I will try 12x16 instead

Posts: 91
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Location: Stanthorpe, QLD

Re: Developing A Contact Print from a 8x10 X-ray film neg

Postby andrewch59 » 07 May 2018, 20:06

If it works then ignore me for being an upstart. I guess it depends on your concentration of developer, when starting out (not that long ago)I used 8x10 trays for 8x10 print (and recommended dev ratios), seemed logical but I was not only getting mottled portions on the prints, but the edges were also tainted. Turned out I was agitating too much in the small tray and the developer was lapping over the edges of the print causing more uneven dev. Acquired 10x12 trays and the problems dissipated. Now if I could only get a few good shots in, I could die a happy man!

Posts: 153
Joined: 21 Mar 2015, 17:20

Re: Developing A Contact Print from a 8x10 X-ray film neg

Postby Bazz8 » 02 Jun 2018, 21:44

Another x-ray neg R-Minn 8x10
BTZS Exposure
Development Semi Stand 60 minutes LC29 1:150
Small lift up and down in my home made red Mop Bucket with dividers
This is a reversal not a print yet.


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