Swamp Sedge, Alexandria Bay

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Swamp Sedge, Alexandria Bay

Postby Maris » 01 Jan 2024, 14:33

Swamp Sedge, Alexandria Bay
Gelatin-silver photograph on Agfa Classic MCC III VC FB photographic paper, image size 16.3cm X 21.3cm,
from a 4x5 Tmax 100 negative exposed in a Tachihara 45GF double extension field view camera fitted with a Voigtlander Heliar 21cm f4.5 lens.

These sedges are tiny, low, and delicate stars and they decorate the muck they grow on. I wish that same principle writ large and bold finds beauty in a fraught world stumbling into 2024.

Mick Fagan
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Re: Swamp Sedge, Alexandria Bay

Postby Mick Fagan » 06 Jan 2024, 18:25

Quite an interesting plant, almost looks like the sticks when they are falling in a game of, "Pick-Up Sticks".

That Voigtländer certainly does things beautifully, sigh.

Very nice one there Maris.

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Re: Swamp Sedge, Alexandria Bay

Postby Maris » 10 Jan 2024, 09:52

Thanks Mick for your kind words. I got that 21cm Heliar lens for free from Eric Owen the camera repair guy. The compound shutter was bad and the repair quote was high so the original owner (fool?) abandoned it; much to my gain. I cleaned the shutter and it now runs with repeatable but ludicrously inaccurate speeds; set 1/50 sec but get 1/17 sec for example.
I reckon it is one of the beauties of large format photography that if you know the quirks of the gear that you use good pictures are still possible.

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