Crossover Hallway

Mick Fagan
Posts: 431
Joined: 24 Sep 2015, 21:20
Location: Melbourne

Crossover Hallway

Postby Mick Fagan » 30 Mar 2024, 10:45

This is in an old school and is the crossover hallway that links up two very long lengths of classrooms on either side. I've spoken with an old student and originally there was a roofed section over the footpath which connected the buildings, then it was boarded up on the sides, then that was pulled down and what we have here was built.

The end section has a temporary wall added, although I wouldn't call that temporary. This hall is adjacent to where my Men's Shed is now located. There are quite a few other organisations in the buildings, with many using rooms on certain days. An astrological society; with great telescopes and stuff like that, A plant nursery, UA3 have the biggest allocation of former classrooms. The local State Emergency Services have a two truck emergency response unit, a Kindergarten and there are others I'm not sure about.

Shen Hao HZX45-IIA
Ilford FP4+
D76 1:1
Fujinon f/5.6 65mm lens
Heliopan Centre Graduated Filter
f/16 at 2.5 seconds approximately.

I used Harmon's reciprocity factor equation, measured time was 2 seconds, corrected time 2.39 seconds. Which seemed to work out quite well.


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Re: Crossover Hallway

Postby Maris » 01 Apr 2024, 10:32

Wow, talk about converging lines and one point perspective! Mick, you have made a brilliant example of the so called "wide angle stretch" while still maintaining rectilinear correctness. That centre-dark filter works a treat in keeping the hallway full of light rather than letting it render as a tunnel with dark edges.

Mick Fagan
Posts: 431
Joined: 24 Sep 2015, 21:20
Location: Melbourne

Re: Crossover Hallway

Postby Mick Fagan » 01 Apr 2024, 11:57

Thank you Maris, that graduated centre filter makes this lens a treat to work with. I remember the first time I tried out the CGF with the 65mm lens, just looking at the GG was a revelation.

As this was done at my Men's Shed location I had one member quite interested in what I was doing after I turned up with my backpack camera bag, as well as my wooden tripod. I invited him along to accompany me for the photographic session. I already knew exactly what I was going to do, so set things up, adjusted here and there, took a light reading, then exposed a sheet of film.

I was writing my notes and realised I had forgotten to put the CGF on, grrr. The distraction of my fellow member and in general explaining things as I went along, meant I forgot the filter. However he was fascinated with the CGF and became really fascinated when the metered exposure with the CGF added another stop, pushing the film into reciprocity territory. Quickly doing the equation on my phone calculator, I then exposed another sheet.

This is one of the very few times in the last 5-6 years I've done more than one exposure of a scene. I developed both negatives and now that you've mentioned the evenness of the exposure in the corners of the negative, I may drag out the first negative and post it here to see the difference.

Ps: He couldn't get over the upside down image, but interestingly, after about his fifth look on the GG, he realised it was also back to front. :o

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